The evolution and the growing complexity of the economic, social and technical environment in which we work in, forces even the most experienced director, to seek the advice of professionals specialized in solving the problems raised by the management process.
An analysis of the structure of the organization and the management techniques employed is an essential starting point when pretending to improve.
The experience acquired in wide and varied sectors of the economic activity, converts our collaborators in effective allies of the businessman, helping to solve problems, make decisions and value risks.
Our performance in sales transactions may exceed the purely technical aspect, helping our clients in the search of the suitable buyer or partner.
The work that we usually carry out in this area for our clients, always in the economic area, can be classified in the following blocks:
- Consultancy and economical and financial management specialized in the hotel sector.
- Issuing reports on risk detection and management of fraud. Forensing.
- Information systems for the management and administration of different functional areas and organization of the same. Internal controls. Scorecards.
- Business Plans and viability studies.
- Company assessment/valuation.
- Assistance in merge, splits and acquisition of companies.
- Studies of organization and internal control.
- Cost and profitability accounting.
- General management advice to small and medium-sized companies.
- Cases/Files in crisis. Negotiation of financing plans. Negotiation of structured loans.
- Energy analysis. Electrical trading.