The Auditing consists in a review of the financial statements, normally the balance sheet of the situation and profit and loss statement, made by independent experts and whose purpose is the emission of a professional opinion on its representativeness in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
The scope of an audit may vary depending on the circumstances of the assignment, so we also carry out limited audits on certain areas of the financial statements.
The performance of the audit also includes the description, review and evaluation the internal control system, with the emission of an internal control report or letter of recommendations that includes comments and suggestions to improve the organization of the company.
The work that we usually carry out for our clients, can be classified in the following blocks:
- Opinion of the financial statements.
- Queries of accounting practices and procedures.
- Organization and start-up of accountings.
- Preparation of the chart of accounts precise for the needs of each company.
- Consultancy and monitoring of management accounting.
- Consultancy and monitoring of the accounting in relation to the taxation of the company.
- Consultancy and/or preparation of the Management Report and the Annual Accounts of the Company (Annual Report, Balances, etc.)
- Limited reviews of the financial statements.
- Reviews and audits for acquisition or liquidation purposes.
- Vendor assistance.
- Due diligence.
- Vendor Assistance.
- Accounting consolidation of investee companies.
- Assistance in the preparation of accounting manuals.
- Queries of accounting practices and procedures.
- Financial consultancy.
- Management accounting.
- Structuring of internal audit departments.
- Training of internal auditors.
For those clients that need this service, we offer them the possibility to become their department of accounting and administration, and we will facilitate the outsourcing of the total mentioned department, for this, our organization is especially dedicated at the service of small and medium companies.